For my collage I decided to make it about my current top choice for college. I have two brothers at the University of Alabama and I have come to like the campus and athletics. I wanted this collage to represent the things that I associate with Alabama.
This is a drawing to get some inspiration and to decide what I would be making in this project. It does not include some of the ideas I later added but was good for getting the ideas for what I was going to do rather than going in without any clue on what I would do.
The image on the left is the background and is for the most part covered by the focus of the collage. I started off with an all red background and then made a gradient effect to make if fade from crimson to black. Crimson is the only bold color I wanted to use in the piece seeing as it is the main color for the university. The image in the middle is a football player named Jaylen Waddle, a wide receiver from Texas, wearing the coveted "17". It is so highly thought of at Alabama because it is the same number of national championships they have won in collage football. On the far right is the background from the first image with an out line of the state of Alabama. When I visited the campus I noticed the state as a whole was on most of the advertisements and was almost everywhere. 
On the left it shows the background and football player all together. I also added a steel background over the state to represent toughness, one of Coach Sabin's most emphasized aspects of the game. I also added the national championship trophy to the right of Jaylen Waddle. It is a sort of double entendre, one of interpretations being 17 national championships and the other being the two in their individual significance. On the middle image I made Jaylen Waddle black and white minus the crimson parts of his jersey. I wanted to keep the only black, white, and crimson theme (excluding the Denny Chimes and national championship trophy). On the right is the addition of the Denny Chimes building, lighting adjustments, and the word Tuscaloosa. The denny Chimes is the most iconic building on campus housing the walk of fame. This includes famous or notable alumni and athletes who have made a big impact. I added "Tuscaloosa" because that is the name of the city in which the campus is located in. Lastly I made lighting adjustments to help with the flow of the image. 
This was the final product encompassing all that I associate with the University of Alabama. 
Alabama Collage

Alabama Collage
